author of the cast unknown, late 1890s (?)
plaster, cast
height 121 cm
The plaster cast defined by Bernhard Schmid as a copy of the sculpture of the Queen of Prussia Luisa by Johann Gottfried Schadow, in the 1835 inventory it was called the figure of the goddess Ceres, entered under number 626 (III. C.37). As Queen Luisa, she appears in later inventories at number 16 in Section III (in the interwar period 15a), although it is not certain whether it is the same copy. Schmid supposes, referring to the researcher of Schadow’s work, prof. Mackowsky from Berlin that the Malbork cast is a copy of one of the figures of the double Schadow monument to Princess Luisa and her sister Friederike from 1795. However, the stylistic analysis of these two figures does not allow for an unambiguous assignment of the castle cast as a faithful copy of the monument. Perhaps it is a different version of the figure or a completely different, unknown work by Schadow.
In the 19th century the cast was placed in the basement of the Palace of the Grand Masters. It has not survived to present times.
(compiled by A. Dobry)